Create world maps for an indicator
- indicator
A list of lists. Each list should contain:
- code
A named vector with the name of the indicator and it's World Bank code
- operation
An expression that can make operations based on the indicator names
- title
Title of the map
- file
Name of the file
- palette
List with parameters palette for the name of the palette, type for the type of palette and dir for the direction
- breaks
Breaks for cutting the data
- center
Where is the center of the data (for diverging palettes), -1 otherwise
- unit
The unit of the indicator
- year
A vector with each year wanted
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# Not run: saves the plots on file
indicators <- list(
code = c("population" = "EN.POP.DNST"),
operation = rlang::expr(population),
title = geotools::gtl_translate_enfr(
"Population density", "Densité de population"
file = "density",
palette = list(
palette = "viridis::viridis",
type = "cont", dir = -1
breaks = c(10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 300, 1000),
center = -1,
unit = "pp/km²",
years = c(2019)